The Project: Designing and coding an educational website tailored to younger audiences to provide information on climate change in NYC.
Junior Workshop
Junior Workshop
All Calhoun eleventh graders embark on a capstone experience known as Junior Workshop, an independent project that challenges students to create something new or innovative.
Examples of Junior Workshop Projects
The Project: Organizing a city-wide basketball clinic and 3x3 tournaments for the Calhoun community – bringing people together through sports.
The Project: A book pairing poetry and painting that highlights what it's like to be a teenage girl.
The Project: A podcast interviewing theater professionals about how New York City's theater industry can be more equitable.
The Project: Creating interactive workshops to educate student-athletes on mental health, and create spaces where they can discuss their feelings and struggles openly.
The Project: Creating a website that details a video game concept, which includes a fictional world, game synopsis, storyline and characters.
The Project: A comic book based on an original character.
The Project: Creating the Calhoun Songbook, a collection of recorded songs meant to encourage people to listen to music deeply and share their own interpretations.
The Project: Cooper's Troopers Day of Service, inspired by the loss of a friend and a need for safer streets in cities.
The Project: A board game for children that helps them to learn about the world around them, learn how to converse with each other and feel more comfortable doing so.
The Project: Writing and recording three original songs for an EP, while learning the mechanics o recording, mixing and producing, as well as the creative process.
The Project: Coding a series of AIs to play the game of Tic-Tac-Toe, while learning more about the game, coding languages and the power of algorithms.
The Project: Filming a movie and creating an original score that adds depth, emotion and creativity to the story.
The Project: A food festival encouraging community members to gather to share food from their culture or neighborhood.
The Project: A food blog, Feeling Hungry, inspired by a passion for cooking and baking discovered during the pandemic.
The Project: Max and the Magic Tree, an original children's book written and illustrated by the budding author.
The Project: A podcast about school food that interviews experts in the industry, with a focus on the budget issues faced by public and private school food programs.
The Project: A proposal for acoustic improvements to Calhoun's Mary Lee Johnson Performing Arts Center.
The Project: A guide to test taking for student-athletes that applies principles of sports psychology and cognitive neuroscience to the college recruiting process.
The Project: Redesigning the architecture of the 81st street building to make a more sustainable Calhoun.
The Project: A poetry collection exploring cultural and personal identity, entitled Lemon and Honey.
The Project: A discussion group that explores classical music from composers with marginalized identities.
The Project: Develop a software program that improves the class scheduling process in Calhoun's Upper School.
The Project: Research and deconstruct the connection between social media and the contemporary feminist movement.
The Project: Produce a podcast series featuring interviews with Cougar coaches and athletes.
The Project: Research and create a study on the impact of the word "slut" on high school girls, to give teenagers a voice.
The Project: Mount an art exhibit of photographs and video collage for the Calhoun community.
The Project: Design and facilitate a workshop for young black women to analyze the Black Lives Matter movement.
The Project: Film and produce a documentary focusing on the impact of retail stores that sell cheap clothing on human rights and the environment.
The Project: Design and build a 3-D printer that can be easily transported without compromising the apparatus’ build volume.
The Project: Develop a mobile app of Calhoun’s website for students and teachers to better connect to the school.
The Project: Create a clutch rating system through statistical analysis for Major League Baseball pitchers.
The Project: Film and edit a documentary examining racism and mental illness in the criminal justice system.