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1896 Circle

1896 Circle

Calhoun’s Alumni Giving Society

When it comes to our alma mater, it's personal: teachers who impacted our lives; classes where we were given a voice; athletic fields where we competed and the stage where we shined; friends we made and traditions we preserved.

Calhoun alums know that success demands sustained commitment, so we are driving the future—for our opportunities and more.

Celebrating all eras of Calhoun graduates, the 1896 Circle honors the founding year and rich history of our alma mater. As a society, it recognizes the consistent participation of alumni who invest in The Calhoun Annual Fund for three or more consecutive school years, at any giving level, as well as recent graduates who give while in college.

To our members, we extend countless thanks. To those alums who might join the Circle, we send our encouragement! On behalf of the entire school community, thank you.