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US & LS Students Spread Kindness for Multigenerational Service Project

Students in the Upper School Community Action elective have been partnering with The Apsley, an assisted living residence in the neighborhood, and thinking about what kindness looks like in the context of multigenerational friendship. As part of their service learning, the Upper Schoolers also wanted to work with younger Calhoun students. They believed combining all three age groups would be a great way to spread kindness and understanding.

Before winter break, the Upper School class spent a morning with our Montessori elementary students, building community and making cards to be delivered to senior citizens in the new year. The project fit into the Lower School classroom's study of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; they discussed how making cards and visiting with seniors would help them to practice and promote friendship, equality and peace in their neighborhood, city and the world.

In January, the Upper and Lower School students visited The Apsley together, where they personalized the greeting cards they had created earlier, and gave the cards to their new senior friends. During the visit, Calhoun students engaged in conversation and participated in additional art activities with the residents. The Upper and Lower Schoolers had a rewarding experience with the seniors – learning how to communicate and find common ground with someone a different age. The students look forward to building an enduring friendship across generations and in their neighborhood.