Calhoun Theater Program

Calhoun’s theater program celebrates each student’s talent and creates a rich learning experience that fosters creativity, communication and collaboration.

The Lower School theater program begins with improvisation and storytelling activities that teach children to feel comfortable with self-expression. From an early age, students begin developing their own shows and taking responsibility for writing the scenes of their productions.

Middle School theater classes frequently make interdisciplinary connections with the English and social studies curriculums, focusing on performance texts that are relevant and challenging to students' intellectual and social development. In the Upper School, students have access to a wide range of theater electives in acting, directing, playwriting, tech and design – providing students with myriad opportunities to explore and develop their voices in the theater arts.  


Next Up Onstage

Calhoun Theater Highlights

"The Curse of the Clay Pot"
4th Grade Play

"The Musicians of Bremen"
Middle School Play

"Much Ado About Nothing"
Upper School Play