Upper School Math

The Upper School math program begins with core classes in algebra. Students gain a strong foundation in algebraic concepts, and learn to solve increasingly complex equations. Upper Schoolers are also required to take geometry, which combines algebra, two-dimensional geometry and logic to further strengthen students' understanding of the mathematical continuum. Starting in tenth grade, students are encouraged to take more than one math class. Advanced math electives and special courses provide further challenges and expand students' investigative skills.

Highlight of Math Electives:

  • Introduction to Precalculus
  • Precalculus
  • Experimental Probability & Statistics
  • Differential Calculus
  • Multivariable Calculus
  • Geometrical Design & Technical Drawing
  • Geometrical Design & Computer-Aided Design
  • Math in Sports
  • Word Problems
  • Beyond Algorithms: Writing Math Research 

2021-22 Course Catalog


See the Upper School Course Catalog 2021-22 online.