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Partnership in Practice: Building and Sustaining Connection with Alumni of Color, Feb. 8

Join us on Thursday, February 8, 4-5pm on Zoom for a conversation about the founding of Calhoun's Alumni of Color Network (ACN), including a year-long partnership with NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. Calhoun's Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, John Gentile, will be joined by members of the ACN leadership and representatives from the NYU Wagner team to discuss the motivations for founding the ACN, as well as its challenges, impact and plans for sustainability. This virtual panel is co-sponsored by NYSAIS, offering peer schools the opportunity to learn from Calhoun and more deeply engage their alumni of color communities.


Meet the Panelists

Please register by Wednesday, February 7

Questions? Contact Bart Hale '00, Director of Alumni Relations


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