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The Magic of Little Calhoun, June 9

The Magic of Little Calhoun:
Celebrating Our Past, Present and Future

Friday, June 9
6-7pm: Special tribute to Alison Max Rothschild '85
7-9pm: Celebration of Little Calhoun

Robert L. Beir Lower School Building, 160 W. 74th St.

For 34 years, Little Calhoun has been a home for joyful learning for our youngest students. Now, as we prepare to move the Lower School to a new building, we invite you to come together in honor of the past, present and future of Calhoun’s early-childhood program.

Join us from 6-7pm for a special tribute to Alison Max Rothschild ’85 for her 34 years of service to Calhoun as an alum, Trustee, teacher and Director of the Lower School, then from 7-9pm for a celebration of Little Calhoun with fellow families, alumni, current and past employees.


Do you have a photo you’d like to share from your time at Little Calhoun? Upload them to this link and we'll include them in a slideshow at the event.

Featured longtime 74th Street faculty attending include Jean Taitt, Marcella Best, Julie Ramos, Carlyle Lincoln, Yvonne Primus, Hamida Butt and Diane Ryan!

Host Committee

Margaret Barnsley ‘20
Jake Bart ‘17
Jocelyn & Jon Brayshaw P’18 P’20 P’23 P’26
Emily Capkanis ‘07
Shanti Hixon-Carter & Todd Carter P’23 P’25
Pamela & David Christman P'23
Shawnté & Sam Crespo P’23
Kate Davis ’10
Cathy Deckelbaum P’20 P’22
Patti Galluzzi P’16 P’19
Joyce & Jay Horowitz P’14 P’18
Patrice Jordan P'23
Dawn Tucker & Greg Lester P’23 P’25 P’30
Wendy Gross & Roberto Pasquini P'23
Heidi Horsley & Markus Redding P’16 P’23
Willy Kane ‘11
Christy Kong P’23 P'27
Beckett Lansbury ‘12
Louise and Daniel Litt P’23
Max Marcus ‘05
Barbara & Stephen Pyles P’20 P’23
Phoebe Pyles ‘20
Shaiza Rizavi P’20 P’21
Skylar Sasson ‘08
Tonia David-Sinatra & Steven Sinatra P'23
Lori Serling Sklar ’75 P’07 P’14
Sheila Vaughan P’12


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