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US Student Journalists Attend CSPA Conference

In November, a group of Upper Schoolers attended the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) Conference to learn more how other student newsrooms keep their community members informed. Calhoun's student journalists run two digital publications: The Update, a daily source of Calhoun news and announcements, and The Cougar Review, which "intend[s] to empower students to examine our world critically, covering current events, stories, and ideas both within the bounds of Calhoun and beyond." 

Session topics at the conference covered everything from tackling misinformation and the proper use of AI to tips on best practices for photojournalism and design. The emphasis on the visual component was a major takeaway for students, with one writing, "I learned about publications not just being about the content and writing, but about design and visuals, because it’s not for you but for readers and an audience." 

As co-faculty advisor Lyda Ely reflects, "What makes the conference so productive is that students get an opportunity to hear from other students and advisers from other publications around the country, and get guidance they can bring to The Cougar Review and The Update." Lyda explained that she and fellow advisor Ellen Kwon also learned about apps to use for publications and summer conferences for student journalists. 


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