The Project: Launched Calhoun’s first Cougar Sports Network podcast (CSN), with a series of five episodes featuring interviews with coaches and athletes.
Process: Before creating the podcasts, he interviewed several senior executives at SiriusXM, CBS Radio and iHeartRadio about broadcast journalism. He also met with the school’s communications director to find out how the podcast could be shared with the community through website and social media outlets.
What I Learned: “I learned how important it is to reach out to people early in the process; those connections lead to other connections ... yielding a network of possibilities. I worked on my journalism and interviewing skills, found out how to record and edit podcasts, and learned about “hosting skills”: for example, you have at most two minutes to reel the listener in; you need to make sure your interest in the topic comes through in the podcast.”
Value of JW: “The junior workshop experience gave me a chance to pursue something I was passionate about, a sports podcast. Creating the podcast helped to clarify my interests in sports business. At the same time, the podcast has given me a way to give back to Calhoun; it raises awareness for Calhoun athletics—especially for teams that don’t otherwise get the credit they deserve.”
What’s Next: “I expect to keep CSN going next year, but Cougar Sports Network has been designed to continue beyond my years at Calhoun!”